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Milieubarometer EN

Frequently Asked Questions

What goal should I set for a CO2 footprint?

That’s entirely up to you to decide.
Good to know: to limit global warming to a maximum of 1.5 degrees, we need to reduce CO2 emissions by 55% by 2030 and be climate neutral by 2050 at the latest.
You can read more about setting Paris Proof goals in the Guide by the Stimular Foundation.

Can I compare my CO2 footprint with that of other organizations?

If a sector average is available for your industry in the Envirometer, you can compare both key figures and the CO2 and environmental graphs with your industry.

Outside the Envirometer, you can also compare your CO2 footprint with organizations that have made their CO2 footprints public. See the page with public CO2 footprints.

How much time does it take to establish a baseline measurement?

In our experience, it takes about 3 hours per location. Most of the time is usually spent gathering the data you need to input. This process becomes quicker each year.

Can you automatically enter data?

Yes, that is possible if the supplier has created an API connection.

How was the list of measures created?

The suggestions for saving measures are developed for each sector, and the legally required measures are also included. You can then further adjust the list yourself and filter it based on the measures relevant to you.

Can I enter previous years?

Yes, you can add as many years to the Envirometer as needed. There is no maximum; you can always enter and adjust figures.

How do I share the output I receive?

There are several ways to share your results:

  • You can download each chart as a PNG, PDF, or HTML.
  • The tables for the CO2 footprint and key figures have a handy copy button.
  • The PDF report generator allows you to create a formatted Envirometer report; you can choose which elements (charts, tables, overviews) to include in the report.
  • You can also make the CO2 footprint public, which will then be displayed on the website.
  • You can even add an external user and grant them ‘read-only’ access.