Milieubarometer EN
Frequently Asked Questions
Measuring your carbon footprint (‘carbon footprinting’) allows you to gain insight into your company’s greenhouse gas emissions and see where you can reduce these.
Yes, the data from the Envirometer can be used in the CSRD report.
The key advantages of the Envirometer are:
- Changes in the emission factors are automatically passed on via the Envirometer. In an Excel spreadsheet you have to update the factors yourself each year (and remember to do so too).
- It’s practical for use over more than one year and for multiple locations.
- The carbon footprint can also be presented in formatted data visuals like graphs and charts.
- You can analyse trends better by looking at the relative carbon footprint (by turnover, FTEs or production size).
- The key figures (e.g. building-related energy/m2) provide additional information.
- You can compare your results with the industry average.
Important advantages of the Envirometer are:
- You can compare CO2 emissions over multiple years.
- You can correct and supplement data (in practice, the data is not complete in one go). With a free tool, you have to re-enter everything.
- You can also register waste and water consumption. For many companies, it is beneficial to have all this information in one system.
Companies use the Environmental Barometer for the CO2 Performance Ladder, ISO-14001, SBTi, B-Corp, Environmental Thermometer Care, CSR Guide, and CSR Performance Ladder.