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Milieubarometer EN


CO₂ footprint SVRZ 2023
Theme CO₂-parameter CO₂-equivalent
CO₂ Scope 1
Natural gas for heating Fuels & heat 628.693 m3 2,08 kg CO₂ / m3 1.307 tonnes CO₂
Passenger car (in litres) gasoline Business traffic 11.415 litre 2,82 kg CO₂ / litre 32,2 tonnes CO₂
Taxi bus (in litres) diesel Passenger transport 13.673 litre 3,26 kg CO₂ / litre 44,5 tonnes CO₂
Subtotal 1.384 tonnes CO₂
CO₂ Scope 2
Self generated electricity - solar Electricity 1.726.253 kWh 0 kg CO₂ / kWh 0 tonnes CO₂
Returned self-generated electricity Electricity 344.988 feed-in kWh 0 kg CO₂ / feed-in kWh 0 tonnes CO₂
Purchased electricity Electricity 6.247.167 kWh 0,456 kg CO₂ / kWh 2.849 tonnes CO₂
Of which green electricity - wind power Electricity 873.102 kWh -0,456 kg CO₂ / kWh -398 tonnes CO₂
Charge cards road transport (market mix) Business traffic 59.034 kWh 0,337 kg CO₂ / kWh 19,9 tonnes CO₂
Subtotal 2.470 tonnes CO₂
CO₂ Scope 3 GHG scope 3
Drinking-water 1. Purchases 41.095 m3 0,298 kg CO₂ / m3 12,2 tonnes CO₂
Declared km private car 6. Business Travel 697.963 km 0,193 kg CO₂ / km 135 tonnes CO₂
Subtotal 147 tonnes CO₂
CO₂ Emissions 4.001 tonnes CO₂