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CO₂ footprint Raphaelstichting - Breidablick 2019
Theme CO₂-parameter CO₂-equivalent
CO₂ Scope 1
Natural gas for heating Fuels & heat 148.930 m3 1,89 kg CO₂ / m3 281 tonnes CO₂
Of which green gas Fuels & heat 148.930 m3 -1,13 kg CO₂ / m3 -169 tonnes CO₂
Subtotal 113 tonnes CO₂
CO₂ Scope 2 and business travel
Purchased electricity Electricity 455.263 kWh 0,649 kg CO₂ / kWh 295 tonnes CO₂
Of which green electricity from biomass Electricity 455.263 kWh -0,574 kg CO₂ / kWh -261 tonnes CO₂
Declared km private car Business traffic 56.392 km 0,220 kg CO₂ / km 12,4 tonnes CO₂
Subtotal 46,5 tonnes CO₂
CO₂ Emissions 159 tonnes CO₂
CO₂ Scope 3
Drinking-water Water & Wastewater 13.600 m3 0,298 kg CO₂ / m3 4,05 tonnes CO₂
Passenger car Commuter traffic 1.608.503 km 0,220 kg CO₂ / km 353 tonnes CO₂
Outsourced taxi bus transport Passenger transport 84.169 vehicle km 0,291 kg CO₂ / vehicle km 24,5 tonnes CO₂
Subtotal 382 tonnes CO₂