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Milieubarometer EN


CO₂ footprint Prinses Maxima Centrum 2019
Theme CO₂-parameter CO₂-equivalent
CO₂ Scope 1
Natural gas for heating Fuels & heat 112.679 m3 1,89 kg CO₂ / m3 213 tonnes CO₂
Natural gas used for production Fuels & heat 119.932 m3 1,89 kg CO₂ / m3 227 tonnes CO₂
Subtotal 439 tonnes CO₂
CO₂ Scope 2
Self generated electricity - solar Electricity 382.850 kWh 0 kg CO₂ / kWh 0 tonnes CO₂
Purchased electricity Electricity 5.776.137 kWh 0,649 kg CO₂ / kWh 3.749 tonnes CO₂
Of which green electricity Electricity 5.776.137 kWh 0 kg CO₂ / kWh 0 tonnes CO₂
Of which for charging vehicles (green power) Electricity 13.500 kWh 0 kg CO₂ / kWh 0 tonnes CO₂
Subtotal 3.749 tonnes CO₂
CO₂ Scope 3 GHG scope 3
Drinking-water 1. Purchases 22.095 m3 0,298 kg CO₂ / m3 6,58 tonnes CO₂
Wastewater 5. Waste from Operations 704 PU 29,5 kg CO₂ / PU 20,8 tonnes CO₂
Subtotal 27,3 tonnes CO₂
CO₂ Emissions 4.215 tonnes CO₂