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CO₂ footprint GGz Centraal totaal - vw & zs 2023
Theme CO₂-parameter CO₂-equivalent
CO₂ Scope 1
Natural gas for heating Fuels & heat 263.551 m3 2,08 kg CO₂ / m3 548 tonnes CO₂
Gasoline Mobile machinery 6.096 litre 2,82 kg CO₂ / litre 17,2 tonnes CO₂
Diesel Mobile machinery 12.252 litre 3,26 kg CO₂ / litre 39,9 tonnes CO₂
Delivery van (in litres) diesel Freight transport 4.858 litre 3,26 kg CO₂ / litre 15,8 tonnes CO₂
Subtotal 621 tonnes CO₂
CO₂ Scope 2 and business travel
Returned self-generated electricity Electricity 43,8 feed-in kWh 0 kg CO₂ / feed-in kWh 0 tonnes CO₂
Purchased electricity Electricity 2.306.126 kWh 0,456 kg CO₂ / kWh 1.052 tonnes CO₂
Of which green electricity - wind power Electricity 2.306.126 kWh -0,456 kg CO₂ / kWh -1.052 tonnes CO₂
Declared km private car Business traffic 2.379.689 km 0,193 kg CO₂ / km 459 tonnes CO₂
Public transport Business traffic 266.292 passenger km 0,02 kg CO₂ / passenger km 5,33 tonnes CO₂
Subtotal 465 tonnes CO₂
CO₂ Emissions 1.085 tonnes CO₂